Civil Air Search and Rescue Association - Manitoba |
| CASARA and the MilitaryClick the above pictures for more information... CASARA is funded largely by the Canadian Military and partially by Transport Canada, all components of the federal Government of Canada. Many of our operations are based on tried and tested military experience, with training guidance often directly from senior navigators, pilots and search and rescue crew. Operations are commonly joint either in actual searches, search exercises (SAREX's) or direct work with military pilots as in Hercules intercept testing. On missions across Canada, the CC-130 Hercules, the CC-115 Buffalo fixed-wing aircraft and the CC-149 Cormorant and CC-146 Griffon helicopters work in coordination with privately owned CASARA airplanes on SAR missions. The CP-140 Aurora also provides a communication platform as well as its surveillance/search capacity with its elaborate sensors. CASARA volunteers have options to fly with or on these military air assets. RCMP and Natural Resource helicopters such as the Bell Long-Ranger IV also work with CASARA in SAR operations as well as in Ground Search and Rescue (GSAR). Canadian Military (Airforce) Search and Rescue Assets
Click here for the Canadian Airforce air assets...
Set for departure!
For CASARAMAN volunteers, extended training as a Search Coordinator has been offered at 17 Wing in Winnipeg and 8 Wing in Trenton for advanced SAR leadership and organizing skills.
Military Correspondence relating to CASARA: