Civil Air Search and Rescue Association - Manitoba |
SAREX Herc Intercept (Dropmore)September 5, 2007: This successful intercept was performed near the area of Dropmore north of Binscarth and Northeast of Asessippi Dam with recovery back to YDN Dauphin.
SAREX Harvest: GPS Waypoints and Posturing Leg 1 of the CLASeptember 1, 2007: This SAREX had two goals:
On short notice, Dave Serle was instructed by Kevin Choy to
immediately form a command structure late night prior to this SAREX via cell
phone on the combino. With Rollie Kuip (Sasquatch) appearing with his
Commanche, the NAV crew As found especially from past Western Canada SAREX's, this task may at first seem simple but is often difficult to execute with great precision. Especially in new areas and lowering visibility, simply flying to a gps waypoint and beginning the CLA is not always pin-pointed. Once the CSP or LKP ONSAR initiation point has been reached the search aircraft may not be aligned properly for the first (and the remaining) legs. Reasons are often due to non-familiarity with gps equipment, turns which present lags and leads in the gps heading and misconceptions or inability in determining exactly where the ship is in relation to ie. the CSP or LKP. As seen above, the planned track from the south at CYBR
is linear to begin ONSAR at
As can be seen by the plot over the proposed route, deviations exist beginning prior to the first leg of the CLA and throughout the mission. Improvements in accuracy may be made by ensuring the GPS scale is set to .3NM especially while ONSAR and preferably enroute also. Equipment familiarity is paramount in executing a good plot. The team did find the three targests (combinos) as can be seen on the track plot circles for the NOCL. From this initial plot, Zone crews will work out improvements in developing gps waypoint staging coordinates that will correctly align the search aircraft with leg one of the CLA. Good work by Search CD Ken Fox who took the overnight relay information, setup the waypoints on Ozi and guided the team mission to the targets. Ground Homing Course: Col. COB Zone 1 InvitationalAugust 18, 2007: ![]() After theory and general discussion of homer operations on both the ground and in the air, teams drove off to view and understand the location of a known ELT on their Lil' Helpers in three coordinates: before, parallel and past along country roads. Mary Ritchie, Clarence McGlaughlin and Garry Gerrard acted as markers and checkpoints. After debriefing, crews were assigned to find a hidden ELT enroute Winnipeg by both air (Gerry Roehr's team) and by ground (Peter Banman, Chuck Wilson's and George Norberg's teams). Successful quick detection and recovery confirmed the technique again. Zone 2's Assistance Team of Mary Ritchie, Sheri Briggs, Garry Gerrard, George Norberg, Clarence McGlaughlin and Kevin Choy thank Zone 1's Chuck Wilson, Gerry Roehr, Kris Buschau-Lapointe, Peter Banman, Roland Biber, and Al Fraser for coming to Zone 2 and sharing Cob's technique. WESTERN CANADA SAREX: Prince Albert Zone 2 CASARAMAN DelegationAugust 11, 2007:
Team Zone 2 of Navigator Garry Gerrard, Spotter/Navigator Mary Ritchie, Spotter/Navigator Gord Foote and Kevin Choy participated on the weekend long SAREX in beautiful, friendly Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Spotter Clarence McGlaughlin remained on standby for Team Zone 2 while Spotter Sam Spink stood-by for participation with Team Zone 5. In last minute changes due to WX, Navigator Fred Eshpeter briefed and supplied Team Zone 2 and remained on standby as Nav for Team Zone 5. Two day SAREX's were executed that involved a CLA and a Sector. In SAREX Candle Lake to the NE of CYPA WX lowered to below search visibility at CSP/LKP leading the team to open one of three sealed envelopes for retasking to SAREX Lake Emma. With improving WX, the team was successful in determining and locating the targets of a cream coloured Norseman and blue and silver C-185 on floats within 9 minutes of CSP. Team Zone 2: Left to Right Garry Gerrard, Mary Ritchie, Gord Foote (missing Kevin) photo: C. Demchuk/Regina
In SAREX Melfort, the team picked up a weak ELT on departure and was granted pursuit. Climbing to 10,000' ASL to improve reception, the team was then retasked with another envelope to a sector search near Birch Hills. With glider operations, the team continued communications and visual sighting after three passes of the complete Sector Search.
An ELT homing exercise was initiated by guiding driver Darryl to a hidden bush ELT. Using Zone 2's own Col. Cob's technique, the ELT was homed in quickly. Team cooperation and coordination made the effort truly enjoyable as the treasure of suckers in a pail was found handily.
The team performed a night SAREX River (Shore-line) Crawl with spotter Ray Sass,VP of CASARA Saskatchewan rotating with Garry Gerrard. With nearly no moonlight, the team utilized gps tracking while looking for any unusual signals or lighting from a lost truck with licence plate "REDNEK". As learned from previous dimly lit night searches, the initial flash of lights on the ground are often mistaken for a search object as stationary lights flash between ground objects and trees. This SAREX was very well organized and involved simultaneous crew taskings to various areas of the the Prince Albert area. The team thanks Prince Albert's Bill and Dolyce Brown and their Saskatchewan volunteers for their superb organization.
SAREX HEAT: Four Aircraft and One Ground Crew Mission Finds ELT on Shore CrawlJuly 8, 2007: SAREX Heat involved Lt. COB's Minnedosa ELT detection check for three aircraft from the North enroute to CYBR Base Command at Brandon Flying Club. Wild Bill's, Sasquatch Rollie's and Kevin Choy's ELT homing system were all verified accurate. Gary Temple's C-182 also joined our team at base returning after a one-and-half year lapse in duty for a farming assignment. The SAREX began with announcements for all aircrew and navigators to utilize the CASARA approved Flight Wizard 4 program. A 1/2 hour demonstration was given to pilots after a 45 minute presentation of the Shore Crawl technique to all. Navigators were tasked to plot the simulated search for a missing person with a PLB along Highway 10 south of Brandon to the Souris River shoreline westbound to Souris airport CJX5. Concidentally, Souris' annual Fly-in breakfast was the mission debriefing destination. In the simultaneous ELT homing SAREX, Sasquatch was
placed at 1,000' AGL, Wild Bill at 2,000' AGL and Gary Temple at 3,000' Ground Comm operator, Spotter and upcoming Navigator Sam Spink flew as Nav and Spotter in a rigorous check-out after returning from active military duty in Afghanistan. With a history of spotter duty in the early 90s from her 1989 CASARA Handbook, Spotter Spink proved her mettle in re-learning the homer while simultaneously plotting NAV and following snap requests for distance and clock position checks. Bill, Darren and Ramona with the homer vehicle Led by the special techniques of ground-homing leader
Lt. COB (rtd. Airforce), Mobile 1 found the Target ELT rapidly followed by
The "begin high" technique worked well in this search, with CAP identifying the Target ELT quickly in the climb through 3,000' AGL then directing the assigned altitude aircraft to the general location. Unfortunately, due to mechanical issues, Wild Bill bugged out before acquiring the Target ELT in this mission for another day of better hunting next time. Lt. COB's Office (custom designed)
SAREX EVAL: Ground Teams find ELT Target Simultaneously via Different Routes while Airside Detects using Air HomingJune 23, 2007: SAREX Eval involved a simulated tasking from JRCC to search for a missing C-172 flying from Dauphin to Shoal Lake to Deloraine. With CSAD 1 and CSAD 2 drawn out the evening prior to dispatch by Chief Nav Garry Gerrard and his team of George Norberg and Mary Ritchie, a parallel track was performed by CASARA 22 while Mobile 1 and Mobile 2 proceeded and CAP flew to the last SARSAT hit. With a simulated CC-130 search completed earlier, CASARA 22 initiated flying Quadrant 4 of CSAD 1 West of CYBR base command. Following CAP's detection West-North-East of CYBR, Mobile 1 and Mobile 2 proceeded independently to find the target and the symbol "W" using ground homing. All search teams were then instructed to RTB back to CYBR for their de-brief. Zone 2 thanks Capt. Ben Toenders and SARTEC Shawn Harrison of 17 Wing 435 Squadron of the Canadian Air Force for their learned evaluation. Zone 2 also thanks Provincial Training Officer Darlene Searcy for her Admin evaluation carried out earlier. The Zone 2 SAREX EVAL Team (Left to Right)SARTEC Shawn Harrison, Base CD Sheri Briggs, Base CD Ramona Clubb, Base CD Sam Spink (active Canadian Armed Forces), Eval CD Tom Clubb, Mobile 2 Leader Brian Fowell, Kevin Choy, Mobile 2 Crew Clarence McLaughlin, CASARA 22 Pilot Roy Sobchuk, Chief Nav Garry Gerrard, Mobile 1 Ground Leader Fred Eshpeter, CASARA 22 Spotter Ed Fikus, CASARA 22 Nav and Secretary George Norberg and Capt. Ben Toenders (CASARA Liason Officer/Evaluator)--missing is Chief Spotter and Crew 1 Mary Ritchie (picture taker) Pic: Camera of Capt. Ben Toenders
SAREX WATER: Ground Teams Find Simulated Crash ELT and Roving ELT While Media and Sister of Simulated Pilot Blitz Command CentreMay 6, 2007: In this SAREX, "water" was defined as heavy rain instead of the usual "over water" flying mission that CASARA Zone 2 would carry out. With ceilings below 400' AGL in mist, a no-fly exercise was carried out in preparing for the upcoming Evaluation. Guest speaker Darlene Searcy, Provincial Training Officer, arrived from Winnipeg and briefed and reviewed the session while also acting as a "Herc Commander". Gary Hadland, designated as the test Search Commander for the Evaluation was again prompted to act quickly as Kevin Choy and Sheri Briggs travelled enroute setting up ELT ground targets and simultaneously relaying communications as "Trenton JRCC". Requests and Op-Norms were requested to the "Herc Commander" by cell phone as radio communication deteriorated. Lt. COB [Fred Eshpeter] carried out equipment and setup evaluations on three ground homing vehicle teams prior to departure.
The first vehicle to find the first ELT was designated to relocate ELT I under a bridge after confirmation was made that the remaining two teams had ELT II on their homers. This team would stand down and record observations as the last of the two remaining teams was directed to detect and recover ELT I. The first team of the two that declared they had the strongest detection of ELT II continued to pursure ELT II. Once ELT II was detected by the first team, the remaing two teams pursued ELT II. Interestingly, ELT II was placed by two Inukshuks (two stone survivors) along Lake Clementi, while ELT I was designed as PLB carried by someone lost on foot. During the simulated search, an intense simulated news scrum was carried out--all the while medic Brenda Preston simulated an extremely distressed sister of the missing pilot. All of the ground teams and search volunteers at base performed tremendously.
*The Academy Award of CASARA Zone 2 for this SAREX goes to Brenda Preston for her superb simulation.*
Major Kevin Toone, CD of A3 SAR Systems Speaks at Brandon Flying Club AGMApril 25, 2007: Major
Kevin Toone of A3 SAR Systems arrived from Winnipeg to present to the Brandon
Flying C As outgoing President of Brandon Fying Club, I sincerely thank and appreciate the exemplary effort Major Toone displayed in his tight schedule to attend and present at our Club AGM.
Thank You Major Toone,
Major Kevin Toone, CMDR of A3 Sar Systems 1 Cdn Air Div HQ
WINTER SURVIVAL: Requested Course for Red River College Commercial Pilots Students via Bill Zuk of the Manitoba Aviation Council Taught by Roger Conrad, Robin Ponto and Brian Fowell of CASARAMAN Zone 2April 22, 2007: Students arrived from Winnipeg to attend the course which involved a site exam in the cold spring of April. The instructors, all professionally certified, enjoyed teaching the students the importance of preparedness and outdoor construction for survival. Bill informed Zone 2 that he would like to bring his students back to Zone 2 for future courses. SAREX FOOL: Ground SchoolApril 1,2007: Low weather did not permit CASARA aircraft to execute airborne activities. Ground school involved review of internet procedures and resources and administrative requirements for CASARA. SAREX NAV: Three Newly Minted Certified CASARA NavigatorsMarch 4, 2007:
Nav (was SAREX Joint), the lone search and rescue aircr
Test Crew: Examiner Kevin, Navigator Virginia Dickson, Navigator Mary Ritchie, Navigator Gord Foote Congratulations to Zone 2's new Navigators Mary Ritchie (On the Prairie) and Virginia Dickson (Blizzard) and Gord Foote for completing their Nav training under the teachings of veteran Navigator Garry Gerrard. Zone 2 thanks Garry Gerrard for his time, planning and forsight in graduating the once "I'm a Spotter only" volunteers into the front right seat.
SAREX VALENTINE: The Flashing Mirror in the Sun Signals Air Teams While Coincidentally Finding "MAP" Rock Monument and Hidden SnowmobilersFebruary 11, 2007: In SAREX
Valentine, Tango target Fred Eshpeter (Lt. Cob) planted an ELT in his usual
Simultaneous ground search proceeded with "GSAR1" of Cheryle Hayward, newcomer Kaylie Richards and Navigator Ken Fox by vehicle homing while air search proceeded. Using various modes of tracking including vehicle homing and array tracking, the ground homing team found Tango's ELT then proceeded to find Tango himself (Lt. Cob). After finding Tango, the ground homing team directed air search teams engaged in homing to find their team with Tango by radio. This task proved difficult as both air search teams pursued a sighting of Tango's Dodge truck (which Tango usually hides) while homing the ELT which was not at Tango's position. With Tango partially hidden by trees creating a difficult line of sight, the task of directing air search crews to Tango proved challenging. The use of a mirror by Ken Fox proved, as it does many times over, brilliant in catching the eye of air search teams. Interesting targets were seen above Spruce Woods Park in the Tango area. These include deer sightings, snowmobilers and the insignia "MAP" embedded on the ground.
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