Civil Air Search and Rescue Association - Manitoba

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Zone 1-Winnipeg
Zone 2-Brandon
Zone 3-The Pas
Zone 5-Manitoba


November 19, 2006:

In SAREX ICE, spotter Harold (Tree Man) Doran is the first to spot the live targets of two renegade Black Angus calves missing for two weeks in this practice mission from the air with his team of navigator Ken Fox, spotter Brenda Preston and pilot Rollie (Sasquatch) Kuip. With the targets' Last Known Position (LKP) 43NM north of CYBR, the crew performed an Expanding Square in successfully recovering the target over bush and flat farm land in pothole country near Shoal Lake. Executing the search diligently, the team worked towards the goal of an Actual, while CAP (Communication Air Platform) coordinated air movements simultaneously with a second air search team of (Wild) Bill Tostowaryk, Gary Gerrard, Doug Preston and Virginia Dickson. After successful identification and NOCL relayed to Base Command at CYBR by CAP, both teams homed in an active practice ELT setup by Ground Leader Fred Eshpeter (Lt. COB) with Wild Bill's team performing Ground Homing of Lt. Cob's actual ELT site. All teams landed at Shoal Lake Airport (CKL5) for further briefing before returning back to base at CYBR.

Harold, Brenda, Mary, Joan, Kevin, Pinkie and Rollie

CAP over CASARA 22


Two live targets



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